Tuesday, October 4, 2011

LoL What? Beginner Character Guides

Way back in my original League of Legends article, I mentioned that I wanted to write some character guides. Why should I, a beginner myself, make character guides to LoL? Wouldn't it be better to just read the guides on LeagueCraft? Well yes, it would, if you are looking for in depth strategy and tips relevant for high level summoners. If, however, you are looking for tips for summoners level 10 or below, just learning the game, the best person to ask is someone who just went through the learning process themselves.

Don't expect tips here for high level competition - this is guide is for lower level summoners who want help starting out. I plan to make LoL What? a series, and I'll be covering the following things:
  • Champion Abilities: To even begin to understand how to build your champion, you must know what their abilities do. For each champion I cover, I'll describe in simple terms what their abilities do and how to use them effectively.
  • Summoner Abilities: The recommended summoner abilities for the champion will be given, with a short explanation as to the reason for the choices.
  • Mastery: The recommended mastery spec for the champion will be given, with a short explanation as to the reason for the choices. NOTE: Runes will NOT be discussed as this is intended for beginner summoners, and you shouldn't really buy runes until level 20. However, a more in depth guide will be reference at the beginning of every guide, where you can find Rune recommendations.
  • Skill Order: The recommended order to setting up your skills for the champion will be given, with a short explanation as to the reason for the choices.
  • Items: Recommended item choices and order will be given. I'll give a few choices for different situation but the focus will be on brevity.
  • Laning/Jungling: This section will cover early game strategy and tactics for the champion. I'll give a few choices for different situation but the focus will be on brevity.
  • Team Fights: This will cover late game strategy and tactics for the champion, revolving around team fights. I'll give a few choices for different situation but the focus will be on brevity.

In general, I will be trying to keep these guides as short and concise as possible. I will NOT be including much advice for specific situations or alternative builds. The idea here is to get someone up and running as quickly as possible, then point them in the direction of more advanced guides.

Look forward to my first guide coming later this week, for the champion Kayle!

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