Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pimp my... Everything!

As you might notice, if you have visited the blog before, I've made a few changes. Today I spent most of the day updating my online presence. I've updated my Linkedin profile, changed my background and banner here on my blog, updated my Twitter background to match, and finally got around to making my portfolio website. Through all this, a lot of care was taken to keep a similar style and feel for all of my online locations. I see this as my personal brand, and I want it to be instantly recognizable by potential employers.

If my lovely readers have a chance to check out my portfolio website, I'd dearly love some input on it. I'm in the process of transitioning from a plain set of code on github to a real website, and want to make sure everything looks good. I'm also a little nervous about doing this, since I got some really good responses at the career fair about my github portfolio. But I think the main idea was, "Oh, you're on github? Good!" and I can still convey that by including my github user name on my cards, CVs, and portfolio.

You can find my new portfolio site here:

Thanks for reading!

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