Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi everyone!

I just released the next update for the WoW-Pro addon! You can download it here.

Step Skipping

My favorite feature in this update is the step skipping logic. It's really going to make this addon amazing once it's incorporated into the guide files. Basically, when you skip a step, it's added to your skipped step list. Any step that's dependent on that QID will also be skipped, including complete and turn in steps. Also, any step that lists your skipped step in the |PRE| (prerequisites) tag will ALSO be added to the skip list, and skipped.

It works backwards too - if you un-skip that early quest, it will un-skip your later quests too.

Unfortunately we'll need the guide editing community to do a lot of updating to get this feature to be the best it can be, but I think ultimately it will take our guides one level above where they are now. Eventually you'll also be able to mouse over a step and see all of it's prerequisites. Pretty awesome!

For users - the default (left click) behavior of check boxes is to skip steps. Since that's what people were mostly using the manual check off for anyway, you shouldn't notice any change. If you want to manually complete a step (as opposed to skipping it), just right click instead.

Resetting the guide resets any steps that were skipped in that guide.

Smooth Resize

I want to give a shout out and thanks to silvann over on WoW-Pro.com, who solved our strange resize issue. The guide can now be manually resized smoothly and beautifully. Silvann is also working on a method for auto-completing steps when a coordinate has been reached, as well as the dungeon module for the addon. Thanks silvann, you rock!

Change Log

Here's the full list of changes and fixes in this version of the guide

New Features:
  • Coordinates now pull from Lightheaded if it’s installed and the coordinates aren’t provided in the guide (for interim use ONLY – all coordinates will be provided in the future)
  • Manual resizing is now smooth and pretty. Thanks a ton, Silvann!
  • When a step is completed in combat, it is checked off so that it’s clear it is completed. Update will happen when exiting combat.
  • When a quest objective is completed, a © is placed next to it in the quest tracking text.
  • Logic is now in place for step skipping and dependencies! Guide coders: Please use |PRE| followed by the prerequisite’s quest ID for any and all quests with prerequisites! Users: you can left click a step’s checkbox to skip it – right clicking marks it complete manually.
  • New tag for C (complete) type steps – add |NC| on the end for non-combat quests, this turns the icon from the crossed swords into a gear to represent the lack of combat in the step.
  • Multiple quest objectives can be added to a single step using the |QO| tag, just use a ; semicolon in between them.
  • Many guides have been updated. You may want to reset the guide you are on to avoid version conflicts.
Bug Fixes:
  • Guide window will no longer move off the screen when minimized.
  • Night Elf starter guide will no longer cause weird issues on initial load up
  • Errors should no longer be thrown when dealing with partial quest completion steps.
Future Posts

I will be gone for most of this week - I'm preparing for a big move, and will be meeting my new house mates and going through my stuff that's in storage, so I'll be unable to play, post, or respond to comments until sometime next weekend.

However, once that's done, I am going to be posting here more often with updates, musings, and cataclysm sneak peaks. Look forward to it!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Addon Release Version

I'm very pleased to announce the official release of the WoW-Pro addon!

 It's still may have a few hidden bugs, but it's been working great and we have over 1000 downloads combined from WoW Interface and Curse, not to mention those who have gotten it directly from WoW-Pro.

It's the hope of Jame and I that hosting this addon on the major addon websites will bring more people to WoW-Pro.We're going to be continuing to improve the addon from here on out, as well, so keep checking back in!

In other news, Jame and I may have gotten some beta keys. Lets hope it works out, we'll be in the beta soon writing some awesome guides for you all to enjoy!