In other news, I've been exploring Ulduar on my main character, Honani the tree druid. It looks to be a very fun raid, but so far it's really hard! Flame Leviathan is a joke, but our guild couldn't down XT-002 when we tried on Sunday. Granted we only did around 5 attempts before calling it, and only that one night, and we had some rather stupid PuGs with us. Darrgoe, I know you read this, you better not make us PuG a crappy tank next time! ;)
I've also purchased dual specs for both Deedlet and Honani. Deedlet has ret and prot, and Honani has tree and boomkin. So far I really like both of Deedlet's specs, but Honani is a kind of crappy lazer chicken. Hopefully my good friend Shapa can help her get better, he kicks butt!
Last but not least, I thought I'd make a little list of my goals and projects, like Jame did in his most recent blog post:
- Complete the gear update for my Tree guide (short term)
- Complete that GIMP guide - I know I'm taking forever at it! (short term)
- Speed test Jame's Horde Leveling Guide Chapter 1 (short term)
- Write my "retro raiding guide" (medium term)
- Get Deedlet to level 80, while testing the current guides (medium term)
- Write a fishing/cooking leveling guide (long term, if no one else does it!)
- Speed test the rest of Jame's Horde leveling guides (long term)
- Save for epic flyers for both Honani and Deedlet!
A cooking guide would be awesome! A fishing guide for that matter, too, but cooking has always frustrated me.